Elin Rosseland

Bio :
elin rosseland (born 5.4.1959)
Musician ,singer,composer since 1981.
Educated at the Norwegian Acadmy of music 1984.
Started singing in NRK's girls' choir at the age of 6 to 26. 1966-1986.​
This is her most Important musical and social background for her development as a musician.
The choir lead by the legendary conductor Marie Foss.
Rosseland started her own band Fair Play in 1982-1991 and since then played with many different bands ,projects and musicians.
Kix 1982.
Winds hot & cool 1984. Album : "Nostalgia up to date "
Lars Martin Myhre («Bak speilet» 1983-85) og Espen Rud («Hotelsuite» 1984), Christian Reim kvartett 1984-87.
1985 soloist with the danish radiobigband in Copenhagen. EBU
production live recordings for radio.
1985 Soloist with the Norwegian radiobigband.
Søyr 1986-94 CD : " Vectors ", Bussene lengter hjem " .
1991-1993 Eventyrensemblet med Anne-Lise Heide og Ingrid Kindem ,rikskonsertene.
Elin Rosseland/Johannes Eick duo 1992
1993- 1996 Ese - vokaltrio med Eldbjørg Raknes og Sidsel Endresen .
CD : "Gack "
Commisioned work ,free impro concert at Vossa Jazz 1996.
Competiton procuction for Norwegian radio Prix Italia 1997: "always look for a way out "
1996 award from Nopa, for best composition and lyrics for her song
"fra himmelen er det langt ned "
Relased CD with the same name - album with
Elin Rosseland/Christian Wallumrød /Johannes Eick trio 1996-2000.
1997 Helge Iberg CD : "Never ending westside story "
1998 "Skrapjern og silke " by Ole Henrik Giørtz and
Lars Saabye Christensen musictheater performances ,
Moldejazz,Oslo and CD : "Skrapjern og silke " 1999 .
Elin Rosseland/Rob Waring/Johannes Eick trio 2000-2004. CD "moment" .
Elin Rosseland/Rob Waring/Mats Eilertsen trio 2004-2007. CD "trio ".
2002 Maja Bugge and Elin Rosseland- duo project.
2003 Tour in Nothern Norway with Anna Rostrup and Sigurd Engesnes .
Trio collaboration . Playing music of Rosseland.
2004 started with Ny Musikk tour with project as an instructor and later
2005 Soloist with Geir Lysne and his commisioned work for the
Norwegian church : Grenseløs Gud ,Jazzmass.
Tour in churches in Norway and Sweden.
2005 Project in Bø with Arve Henriksen at the author study .
2006 Collaboration with Line Horneland and Tone Åse.
Concerts/performances at Haugesund and Stavanger Gallery.
2006 may. Soloist with Marylin Mazur.Concerts/tour in several
churches in Copenhagen.
2006 Soloist with Oslo Storband and Helge Hurum.
Concert Oslo Jazzfestival.
2006 Choir-recordings for Disney on Ice.
2007 Helge Iberg CD: «ReHumaniZing»,
2009 Helge Iberg ,Elin Rosseland duo : Standards and Vanguards»
2009 Festspillene i Nord-Norge musicdramatic
performances by Ole Henrik Giørtz and Lars Saabye Christensen
"Den blå kofferten”.
2009 Radka Toneff`s memory prize. Concert "Til Radka "
at the Norwegian Opera .
2009 Tore Johansen " Jazzmass" Concert and CD : "Jazzmass"
2009 commissioned work for Trondheim Jazzorchestra .
Premiere at Trondheim Jazzfest may 2010.
CD release 2014 : "ekko"
2011 Shannon Mowday,Elin Rosseland duo .
2012-2015 Ellen Hvattum vokal kvintett,"Voc avec "
2013 tour with the choir "MesDames" and conductor Magne Hanssen.
Soloist on "the sacred concert nr 2" by Duke Ellington.
2014 ,CD "vokal " music, arr ,by Elin Rosseland written for 21 singers ,
Several commissioned works among others,Trondheim Voices,
Oslo 14 vocal ensemble, Kvitretten.
2014 ,recieved grant for established artists: 10 years .
The same year she started Oslo 14 Vocal Ensemble.
2014 - 2021 started new project elin rosseland quintet
Debut at Kampenjazz and Oslo Jazzzfestival
Jørn Øien pno,Jo Faansgar Fougner bass, ,Shannon Mowday,
sax,clarinet, Jakop Jansønn drums.
2015 arranger on CD with Karl Seglems :"Lærad "(the tree)
Rosselands arr on "Veven".
2107 Later on bass,Mads Eilertsen,and on drums Knut Aalefjær.
Concerts at Kampenjazz in febr 2017 where Elin Rosseland was
hired for 3 concerts.
She had 3 different constellations : Duo with Rob Waring,
elin rosseland quintet and Oslo 14 vocalensamble.
2017 Elin Rosseland & Johannes Eick duo ,startet again.
2017 nov,releaseconcert with Helge Iberg ,CD :
2019 elin rosseland quintet Helge Lien ,Johannes Eick ,Knut Aalefjær,
Shannon Mowday,
2020 elin rosseland quartet.
Helge Lien ,Johannes Eick, Knut Aalefjær .
Tour in southern part of Norway ,Arendal,Kristiansand,Flekkefjord,Porsgrunn,
Bø,Dølen and Risør.Booked by Southern Norway Jazzforum.
2020 elin rosseland,johannes eick duo CD : "GOLD"
2020 Soloist with Hanna Paulsberg concept 10 years at Molde Jazzfestival 14.july
2021 Rosseland,Eick duo duo concert tour :
concert ParmaJazzFrontiere Festival 2021 ,17.oct ,
Hammerfest,Arktisk kultursenter 20.oct,,Tromsø Musikk-konservatorium,Tromsø Jazzklubb 21.oct and Kampenjazz i Oslo 20.febr 2022.
2021 29.nov concert with Eirik Svela and Håkon Bjørgo at Smia Gallery.
2021 -22 CD recording with Torgrim Sollid project. Release 2022.
2021-22 producer ,singer with Thomas Tvedt debut EP : "Årstider"
released 17.6.22
2022 1.-3 nov elin rosseland quartet ,Recording CD :
"Ocean " released 6.jan 2023
started new recordlabel : roselyd
2022 New recordings With Torgrim Sollid . CD : "Meson " release 20.des 2022
label roselyd music.
2022 Commisioned work : "Glass" for Oslo 14 vocal ensemble.
Sidsel Endresen lyrics,Østnorsjazzsenter,
2024 : AIR PLAY tour and Recording new cd : AIR PLAY ,Rainbow studio
18.-21-march 2024 and Comissioned work : "Begynnelsen "(the start)
2025 :
Soloproject ,recording Solovoice,Theremini
New Choir : New Voices Sound Around
Commissioned work ,support Norsk Komponistfond
Commisioned works :
"Omriss " ,"Dans " to Søyr
"Ro Uro " to Kvitretten,
"Clip" to Von drei
"Fortelling","Nummer en","Boff","Så heldig ""Bzzklang","8282" /"Bingo"
to Trondheim Voices
"You live "to Lena Skjerdal
"Ekko" to Trondheim Jazzorchestra
"Wind and water /Ocean " to Elin Rosseland kvartett
"New Voices Sound Around " to New Voices Sound Around
"Glass,mirror ,refeflection " to Oslo 14 vocalensemble
"Begynnelsen" to Air Play
New Voices Sound Around
New recordings :
AIR PLAY released sept 18. 2024
Elin Rosseland,Johannes Eick duo : "FLUT " released july 11. 2024
MESON 2 , 2024
Awards :
Edvard Grieg prisen ,best song and lyrics :
for the song "fra himmelen er det langt ned" 1996
Radka Toneff `s minnepris 2009
Buddy-prisen 2023
Links to bio`s

Oslo 14 vocal ensemble ,recording in rainbow studio with Jan Erik Kongshaug 28.febr 2015 foto : Morten Minothi Kristiansen
Nrk`s jentekor ca 1967
Oslo 14 vocal ensemble ,concert Kampenjazz 2017 foto Käthe Øien

With Fair Play in Tallinn 1991
Kampenjazz febr 2022
Oslo 14 vocal ensemble ,Kampenjazz 2017 foto : Käthe Øien