Elin Rosseland
New cd : FLUT
Johannes Eick,Elin Rosseland Duo
Music by Johannes Eick
and improvisations by the duo
Released July 11.2024
click on picture to listen or buy

Parma JazzFrontiere festival
17.oct. 2021 foto : Elisa Magnoni
New CD "FLUT "
a recording of compositons by Johannes Eick ,comissioned work supported by Komponistenes vederlagsfond.
He is working with musical elements from he`s intuitiv world of sounds ,inspired from nature and the sound of the bass and the voice.
He is playing on his selfmade
6- strings double bass.
"FLUT" is also the second CD from the duo and a development more towards also the free improvisation and a more acoustic sound ,even though with effects an sounds and studioproductions to make a strong ,sonar sound.
Recorded at Thor Bjør Neby studio ,who is an innovating soundtechnician that gives the duo a possibility to work with the music together with him to make this special sound.
He is the third musician on this album.
Elin Rosseland/Johannes Eick duo.
Collaboration from 1982.
Started playing together in the band :"Fair Play " and Kix.Also with other bands and musician,amongst others Christian Wallumrød,
Rob Waring.
And as a duo again in 2020
,recorded CD: "Gold" with releaseconcert at Jazzfest in Trondheim nov 2020.
Autumn 2021,tour : Hammerfest ,Arctic cultural center,Tromsø Jazzclub,Parma Frontiere Jazzfestival .
Concerts :
24.sept Voxlab springfestival,
sentralen ,Oslo
20.febr ,Kampenjazz ,Oslo
Elin Rosseland and Johannes Eick are both composing the music.
Equal roles.
Challenge the sound of voice/effects/double 6 string bass,effects.
Deep and high range.
Space,sound and definitly improvisations,and different forms.
Video music "BLUES " from CD : GOLD
2024 :
Recording new album 8.-14 jan , " FLUT "
Thor Neby studio
2023 concerts :
7.jan Herr Nilsen ,Oslo Jazzforum kl.16
13.jan Norwegian Academy of Music kl.18
22.sept Urijazz,Tønsberg
9.des Galleri Vanntårnet ,Nesodden Jazzklubb

Kampenjazz 20.febr 2022 foto : Käthe Øien